Resident Red Carpet Expert Heidi Shepherd Shares Her Wisdom

"When getting ready for a big event like a premiere or party make sure you do everything listed here at the Red-Carpet Ready Blog so you can have your Natural, Sexy, Skinny Red-Carpet Moment too!"
-Heidi Shepherd, Actress and Model

Nights Before Your Event

Start taking a combination of Vitamin C and Vitamin E supplements every night before your big day.

Vitamin C and Vitamin E in combination help your skin naturally produce more collagen.

Your body produces new collagen during the first two hours of sleep so take a dose of vitamin C and Vitamin E before bedtime for best results.

1 Month Before Your Event

Clean Your Colon!Link
If you want to lose a few pounds fast before your big event, then it's time for some internal cleansing. You could have 10 pounds worth of undigested fecal matter inside your colon. Imagine getting rid of that and becoming 10 pounds lighter!

The benefits of colon cleansing include:

Increased Energy
Increased Sex Drive
Clearer Complexion
Better Sleep

3 Ways to Clean Your Colon:
1. Colonics
2. Supplements
3. Enemas

You can pick one or do all three. Once your colon is clean you will be healthier and red-carpet ready in no time!